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Counties: REFUGIO, ROBERTSON, RUSK, SAN AUGUSTINE – Affordable Apartm...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

484 total views, 1 today


Counties: POLK, POTTER, RAINS, RANDALL – Affordable Apartments: Texas...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

460 total views, 0 today


Counties: ORANGE, PALO PINTO, PANOLA, PARKER – Affordable Apartments:...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

434 total views, 2 today


Counties: MONTGOMERY, NACOGDOCHES, NOLAN, NUECES – Affordable Apartme...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

483 total views, 1 today


Counties: MCLENNAN, MEDINA, MIDLAND, MITCHELL – Affordable Apartments...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

429 total views, 1 today


Counties: LUBBOCK, MARION, MATAGORDA, MAVERICK – Affordable Apartment...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

478 total views, 1 today


Counties: LAMB, LAMPASAS, LAVACA, LIBERTY – Affordable Apartments: Te...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

436 total views, 0 today


Counties: KAUFMAN, KERR, KLEBERG, LAMAR – Affordable Apartments: Texa...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

450 total views, 1 today


Counties: JIM HOGG, JIM WELLS, JOHNSON, KARNES – Affordable Apartment...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

450 total views, 1 today


Counties: HOWARD, JACKSON, JASPER, JEFFERSON – Affordable Apartments:...

Affordable Apartments : Texas The government gives funds directly to apartment owners, who lower the rents they charge low-income tenants. You can find low-rent apartments […]

533 total views, 1 today

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